PA Property Tax Reform

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pennsylvania "You" Lost!!!

Congratulations citizens of Pennsylvania. You lost your last big chance for an honest politician in Harrisburg. Sam Rohrer was the one hope this Commonwealth had left. Sam has never accepted one dollar from any special interest group. He owes no one! Do you think that either of the November candidates can make that claim? Good luck with that one! Pennsylvania is headed for insolvency and no one seems to care.

Are you aware that many of the people contacted by phone on Tuesday were not even aware that it was election day? This is like sheep being led to the slaughter without a wimper. The apathy and disinterest of the citizens of Pennsylvania is horrifying. And what is even more horrifying is that this mentality is evident across the Nation. That is exactly how we got into the mess we are in!

What will it take for people to understand exactly where our State and this great Nation are headed. Government controls health, education and welfare. Does that not sound familiar. Maybe a word like “socialism”?

Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

I don’t want it and it is being force fed to all of us!

Unfortunately this is all being fed to us under the pretext of “change”. We have always been “one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. We did not and do not need change....we need to fix the things that are bent or broken. “Fix” not try to change the entire country and our constitution! One day, in the not too distant future, people are going to look around and wonder “how did we ever get to this”? And guess what....when you finally recognize all of this for what it are going to be too late to change it back! You will live to see the day when you long for “the way things were”! Think about the future that you are creating for your children and grandchildren. Do you want them to live in a society where there is no free enterprise? Where the government controls absolutely everything! You had best answer that question now before it is too late!

I don’t know about you but that “hopey-changey” thing is not working for me! Economy is still poor, job loss is still climbing, and mortgage/housing is still a mess!!!! What is happening in this Country scares me to death!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Primary Election.....There Is Still Hope!

Primary Election Day...May 18th...could be a wonderful beginning or the beginning of the end for those of us living here in Pennsylvania. I start here to familiarize you with the "primary election" process that almost universally places "big machine" and "party backed politicians" in front of voters and tells them these are their menu choices. The "main line media" jumps on these "party selections", also endorses them, and buries mention of those considered "also rans" under a mountain of coverage for the "chosen one's" wonderful accomplishments. And of course, being the political followers (sheep) that we have all become, we assume that our party and our main-line media organizations have wisely chosen the right candidate for us and we go skipping to the polls to vote for them.

Now this seems nice and orderly and keeps the voting process simple and uncomplicated and does not allow for too much clutter in the minds of the mere voters. The problem is that we do not, and never will, see what goes on behind the scenes to bring a candidate to party endorsement. The deals that get made to get support from economically, socially and politically powerful special interest groups virtually guarantees "quid pro quo" behavior on the candidates part if elected. Then, when the hand-picked chosen one's and their hand-picked government organizations ultimately have to pay the piper we get the chance to start complaining yet again. Phrases like "just another politics as usual", "they are not representing my views at all", "we have to vote these people out come next election", then the confidence we should have that those who govern are doing the right thing by us and for us erodes just a little bit more.

I need to speak to you about a candidate in the race for Governor of Pennsylvania. The first thing you need to know is his name. SAM ROHRER, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE! Time is short for Sam and for all of us because he did not become the endorsed candidate by the State Republican Organization. He has had very little coverage by the main-line media and has been running a purely "grassroots" campaign. Please go to to find out all you can about Sam. I will tell you this much. Sam is honest! He has never taken a dollar from any special interest group. If Sam wins this primary it will be on his own money and the support of those who believe in him. So therefore, there will be no paybacks when he takes his oath of office and he will truly be working for "We The People".

Sam Rohrer is fiscally and socially conservative. Here are just a few of the things that Sam is passionate about:

. Provide PA with a fiscally responsible government
. End and Replace School Property Tax
. Expand School Choice
. Cut Taxes for Job Creators
. Defend Private Property Rights
. End Compulsory Union Membership
. Reduce Taxes and Regulations for Job Creators
.100% Pro-Life
. 100% 2nd Amendment Rights

Please, please get out and vote on May 18th. There is still hope! A vote for Sam Rohrer is a vote for our future!
