Friday, January 13, 2006

Patience Is A Virtue, Possess It If You Can......

Since I started this blog I have heard from so many property owners/taxpayers across Pennsylvania that are feeling totally defeated. Because of this I thought it appropriate to address a posting regarding the issue of “instant gratification”. Just remember that these defeated, frustrated taxpayers collectively represent the majority of Pennsylvanians.

We are a society that has become so accustomed to instant gratification. We send e-mail, we get an immediate response; we want to purchase something, we use a credit card; we want food, we go out and buy it; etc., etc., etc. Unlike many places in the world where everything is a fight for the right!

The battle that is being fought for property tax reform has no instant gratification. We write, we e-mail, we call those that are making decisions that directly impact our lives. But, for this battle there is no instant gratification! Should there be instant gratification? YES! But it probably “ain’t gonna” happen! Write to me and I'll tell you why!

Yes, government may adopt a plan for token tax relief but the battle is not over until the taxpayers say it is over. We need to plant our feet, voice our opinion and fight for what we want for as long as it takes to get it done.

It may take time but only our perseverance will get the job accomplished. Yes, sometimes it is disheartening, and yes, sometimes you feel defeated….but….that is the exact outcome expected by your government, starting with Ed Rendell. They are sitting back waiting for the e-mails to subside, for the phones to stop ringing, for the citizen taxpayer to feel totally defeated.

Every e-mail you send, every letter you write, every phone call you make MEANS SOMETHING! This is the only way our legislators know that our silent majority is alive and well and keeping the press on them for meaningful reform.

Talk to anyone who will listen, send information to your e-mail list of friends, family and acquaintances. This is not a local issue….it is a state-wide issue….and we need property owners state-wide to join in the fight. Flood the computers of all the elected officials with e-mails stating that we will not accept token relief.

They may win the initial battle but if we stick together, one cause, we will eventually win the war!!

BUT DON’T LOOK FOR INSTANT GRATIFICATION….IT JUST WON’T HAPPEN! for e-mail lists of House and Senate members


Blogger Helen said...

Hi Geoff,

You are absolutely correct! I have been writing to every rep and every senator each week telling them to come up with a plan for meaningful tax reform. The PA homeowners are "tapped" out. We can no longer shoulder the burden of funding education by ourselves. I still believe that a broadened sales and use tax would spread out the responsibility more equitably. Those that spend more will pay more...that's the way it should be! I would have to spend over $150,000.00 per year on taxable items to equal my school property tax bill. Since my income only generates about 1/3 of this amount each year it would be impossible for me to spend in taxable items the amount of my school tax bill. School districts need to become more fiscally responsible, stop spending what they don't have and stop building "taj mahal" schools that are more for show than for students.

The only way we can make change happen is to be relentless in our fight for school property tax elimination. Every property owner in the Commonwealth should be on this bandwagon and writing to their elected officials.

I am tired of the "feel good" politicans who want to do everything for the poor and nothing for the middle class. Things have got to change!

Keep the fight alive! Write, e-mail and call until they can't stand it anymore.

This is not over until the taxpayers say it is over!!!


1:26 PM  

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